Guardians Of The Galaxy: 10 More Characters We Want To See

7. Bug

Guardians Of The Galaxy Moondragon Bug Cosmo
Marvel Comics

Era: Modern Team

First Appearance: Micronauts #1

Powers: Peripheral vision, Climbing abilities, Enhanced communication through antennae

Like a less cheesy version of The Tick, but a lamer version of Spider-Man, Bug is actually based off a line of toys. In 1979 the Micronauts toys were turned into their own comic, with Bug originally named Galactic Warrior, then Marvel changed his name in the fourth issue after realising the character looked nothing like his namesake. I say include Bug, just to have him squashed in the first act and add some needed sadness to the team!

Although not one of the Modern Team's founding member, Bug was brought into the new Guardians when the founders fell out. Bug has gone on to be a fan-favourite in his skimpy lycra suit, but still remains a bit of a joke hero - a'la Ant-Man before his solo outing. It was also revealed by James Gunn that Bug was originally in a script for the first film, but if he will actually make it our screens remains to be seen. There must have been a storyline there, so bring Bug out of retirement.


Warden of the north - bearded and tattooed. Lover of all things Horror Storied, Throned and Walking whilst Dead. Twitter: tomtomchap