Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 8 Characters Who Could Join The Team

2. Adam Warlock

Spacefaring superhero Adam Warlock €“ at the time only known as Him - emerged into the Marvel Comics universe out of a cocoon in 1967. A cocoon not entirely unlike the one that James Gunn snuck into his post-credits sting at the end of Thor: The Dark World and brought back during Guardians Of The Galaxy, in fact. €œThat was my idea to put that in there,€ Gunn later confirmed, admitting that he had gone looking in €œthe Marvel handbook€ for €œcool things that looked neat to put into the boxes,€ rather than having any grand scheme to introduce the Warlock further down the road. These two Easter Eggs garnered a lot of attention from fans, though, so he must be tempted now to pop the character into his second Guardians film. The character has always been popular, especially after former Marvel editor Roy Thomas revamped him as something of a superhero messiah (Jesus Christ Superstar was Thomas€™ inspiration). Adam Warlock was at the core of the 1972 story that introduced the idea of The Soul Gem, one of six powerful items that fed into the huge Infinity Gauntlet event. Here, Thanos used the six gems to try and extinguish every star in the galaxy. In a similar fashion, the MCU€™s Thanos is currently collecting Infinity Stones for purposes unknown, which could potentially lead to a run-in with a cinematic Adam Warlock. If Marvel do want this confrontation to occur during their two-part Infinity War movie, It seems very plausible that Gunn would be tasked with introducing him in Guardians 2.

Film & TV journo. Quite tall.