Guardians Of The Galaxy 2: 9 Big Implications Of Star-Lord's Father Reveal

2. The Guardians Are Coming To Earth

If - as seems inevitable - Carol Danvers appears in her pre-empowered form, then it makes sense that she's still on Earth and that she's working alongside Mar-Vell in his human disguise. That also probably means that if Star-Lord is chasing his past (perhaps also as a means to discover some Kree knowledge of the Infinity Stones), he too will return to his home planet. Peter Quill returning home to piece his personal jigsaw back together makes sense (it's about as big a cliche in that sort of narrative as they come). And as long as James Gunn avoids all of the awful Star Trek V shore leave potential of having Groot and Rocket wandering around Central Park, that would be a great new dimension. And there's always then potential for Avengers cameos. Perhaps a quip off between Ant-Man and Star-Lord?

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.