Guardians Of The Galaxy 3: 10 Things We Want To See

5. The Grandmaster

Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 Star Lord
Marvel Studios

The world can never have enough Jeff Goldblum, as this kooky ball of charisma has charmed audiences with his erratic energy for decades now in some of the biggest movie franchises. His role as Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok was an absolute delight, as he brought forth his typical schtick in the role of the cruel ruler. Fans are keen to see his return, and indeed they probably shall.

His story didn't get a clear ending, and seeing what happens to him when he's stripped of his power is sure to be exciting. As of right now, it seems somewhat likely that the Grandmaster will be making his way into Thor: Love and Thunder. This is primarily down to rumours and sightings of Goldblum on set for the movie. However, he should definitely rear his head into Guardians Vol. 3 as well.

This character is perfectly suited for the world that James Gunn has crafted, as his goofy comedy would fit the Guardians like a glove. Seeing how he manages with the team and the tension it brings for Thor will likely cause some very exciting and dynamic shifts in the group.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!