Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

6. Rocket

 Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios

In an interesting arc, Rocket is given a slow-burning journey of self-realisation in the sequel, with a parallel to Yondu's backstory that actually adds to the audience's understanding of the Ravager captain, in a rather inspired way.

He's still a dick for most of the film - somewhat inevitably - but not in a way that ruins him as a sympathetic figure (he still captured that Han Solo-like cool that protects him). There's not much of his simmering vulnerability from the first film, but there isn't really enough space for that and he rightly occupies the aloof, removed genius position.

His friction with Star-Lord feels authentic and logical, even if he's a little too on the nasty side, and his redemption is arguably the most believable during the climax (Yondu never actually came across as a fully bad guy anyway).


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