Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

12. Stakar

Stallone Cop Land

Though he's a very important character in terms of his position in Guardians history (and Ravager lore), Stallone's Starhawk doesn't really have a great deal to do in Vol 2. He turns up to shout at Yondu for breaking the Ravager Code and harvesting kids for Ego's nefarious plot, flexes his muscles as the de-facto leader of the other 99 Ravager factions (enough to be able to control them anyway), and then disappears for most of the rest of the film.

At that stage it's a glorified cameo - alongside Michael Rosenbaum's crystal-skinned Martinex - but there's no denying the emotional reaction of seeing Stakar and his fellow Ravagers turn up to acknowledge Yondu's death and show their respects. And the unification of the Guardians 3000 team (albeit with the addition of sorcerer Krugarr) in one of the mid-credits scenes was a lovely touch.

If there is to be another film featuring him and the other original Guardians, it will be a great way to spin off from the MCU. Who wouldn't want to see Rhames, Michelle Yoeh and Stallone stealing sh*t across the Galaxy?


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.