Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

10. Ayesha

Ayesha Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2
Marvel Studios

When it was teased that Ayesha was going to basically be a megalomaniac space Hitler, obsessed with the genetic superiority of her race and with ensuring nobody less worthy disrespects them, she sounded great.

The subsequent revelation that she would command a drone army was even better, but unfortunately, Ayesha is a little held back by the fact that she's not the real villain of the piece. She's never really enough of a threat, despite her dangerous obsession with vengeance and as soon as Ego shows his true colours, she sort of fades out of relevance for the final act, which is a shame.

It's right that she should get another appearance in Vol 3 along with Adam Warlock, and there are already hints that she will be a more unhinged, even more obsessive version of herself, which is all good news. As long as she's not sidelined again by a bigger villain, she's welcome back.


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