Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

9. Nebula

Guardians Of The Galaxy Nebula Karen Gillanjpg
Marvel Studios

Despite the agenda to add more complexity to Nebula as a character by revealing more of her backstory with Gamora and Thanos, there isn't really enough room in the film to explore it enough. It probably deserved to be a major plot in a completely different film, so we'd be able to see more of the nuances of their dynamic, rather than just a retread of what we'd already seen in the first film.

Seeing the sisters go at each other is fun, since they're both basically invulnerable, and Karen Gillan just about sells her pain at their father's treatment of her, but it's hard to completely empathise when her characterisation means the only emotion that fully works for her is rage.

The lack of space for her new-found complexity is the biggest problem, though it's good that we got to see her launching into the Infinity Saga arc with her own plan to kill Thanos. On reflection, having her join the Guardians would have clipped her claws too much.


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