Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs


8. Drax Is Hilarious

Guardians Of The Galaxy 2 Drax
Marvel Studios

As you will have guessed from the trailers, Drax's role in the sequel is that of class clown, revelling in the fact that he seems to have been put in touch with his sense of humour by the first movie.

Almost everything he says is absolutely hilarious, particularly as he seems to imagine himself as some sort of knowing sage of wisdom who helps struggling team-mates through difficult times. Even when he picks up on the right advice to give, he usually does it with absolutely no tact, or adds a stinger that ruins the entire thing. He's mostly very well written, and there are also flashes of his underlying emotional wounds as well to add complexity.

Some of the humour - like his announcement that he has "famously huge turds" - is probably a bit much, but fans are going to love him all the same.


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