Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

6. The Opening Sequence

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Groot Hi
Marvel Studios

We may have seen way too much of it in the trailers, but the Abilisk sequence is the subject of one of the greatest marketing misdirections ever. From what we saw before the film came out, it looked like we'd get to see that heavy action sequence follow the trend of Marvel's high-octane sequel opening sequences, but we get something entirely different.

Rather than following the action, we instead watch Baby Groot dance along to ELO's Mr Blue Sky as the action happens out of focus behind him. It's a genius gag, and an incredibly brave way to frame that hyped scene (or actually, not to frame it), while getting to see Groot dance again is exactly the kind of heart-warming way this film should have started.


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