Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Review: 8 Ups & 3 Downs

5. "High On Its Own Supply"? GOOD!

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 star lord
Marvel Studios

Some of the few negative reviews dedicated to Vol 2 have suggested that the film is a little too in love with itself, that it is - to quote one directly - "high on its own supply". Quite why this would be a bad thing when the first film is such a cocky, self-promotionalist romp isn't clear.

If you love the confidence and the strut of Guardians, you're going to love the second one. You're going to love the cockiness in Gunn's decision-making, the defiance of logic in some of his scenes and how outrageous some of his gags and references are (the Pac-Man one in particular), and you should love that Gunn is so in love with his property.

Who wouldn't want that from a Guardians movie?


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