Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. Adam Warlock Is Coming

Adam Warlock
Marvel Comics

After appearing as an Easter Egg in the first movie (which was little more than misdirection for the sake of some fan-baiting), the end of the film confirms that Adam Warlock is about to arrive in the MCU.

Swapping out his origin story from the comics, the MCU's version has him not created by The Enclave but by Ayesha as a perfect human weapon to destroy the Guardians. In the comics, both he and Ayesha (otherwise known as Her) were genetically created by The Enclave as exercises in perfection, but both rebelled and threw off their shackles.

It seems inevitable that Warlock will eventually defy his creator as he did in the comics, but not before he's sent after the Guardians in the threequel. And despite his importance to the Infinity Saga comic arc (he ends up guarding the Soul Gem), it would appear that he won't play any part in Infinity War with Guardians Vol 3 coming later in the timeline.

But we might still see the debut of Pip The Troll in Infinity War (rumoured to be played by Peter Dinklage), who could then team-up with him for Guardians Vol 3 (and perhaps beyond into his own movie?)


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