Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Rocket's Not Going To Be As Much Of A Dick

 Rocket Raccoon
Marvel Studios

It might seem like a fairly minor thing, but the heart-felt climax of the film sees Rocket realise that he's on a dangerous path to self-alienation (just like Yondu was) and basically vow to change direction. In other words, his next appearances in Infinity War and Vol 3 might not have Rocket acting like quite as much of a dick.

Though the moment of self-realisation is a nice development for him, it would be a mistake to blunt him too much. It would be far truer to the character to see him actually attempting to behave and be nice (despite his programming), and being forced to play nice.

There needs to be balance to make Yondu's lesson actually last, but equally reimagining Rocket into a cuddly character would be a mistake. He shouldn't be too domesticated.


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