Halloween: 15 Most WTF Franchise Moments (So Far)

14. Paul Rudd's Terrible Performance (Halloween 6: The Curse Of Michael Myers)

Halloween 6 Paul Rudd
Dimension Films

Paul Rudd should probably count his lucky stars that he made his charming big-screen debut in Clueless a few months before the release of 1995's Halloween 6, because if not, his career could've been instantly derailed by it.

As much as we all love Rudd, his 25-year-old self gave a stinker of a performance in a movie full of them, playing an adult Tommy Doyle, the boy who Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) babysat in the original Halloween.

In addition to Rudd's wooden line readings and comical attempts to act creepy, watching the film today, it's practically impossible to take his delivery even remotely seriously because he just sounds like, well, Scott Lang.

To Rudd's credit, his acting chops have improved immeasurably since then - obviously - and in more recent years he's expressed a fondness for being part of the franchise. He even intended to attend a reunion screening of the movie back in 2016, but sadly had to pull out due to scheduling issues. What a shame.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.