Halloween: 8 Things We Need In The Next Film

2. Another Worthy Ending

Halloween II
Universal Pictures

Realistically speaking, there isn't a snowball's chance in hell that a Halloween sequel won't happen, because money. Halloween 2018 is in the middle of blowing up the box office right now and shattering all kinds of records, so to not make another film would be to literally leave millions of dollars on the table. But making another film is going to be exceedingly difficult, given that Halloween 2018 has just about the perfect ending for the franchise.

Laurie, the perpetual 'final girl' finds solidarity and sisterhood in her family and is finally able to defeat the bogeyman, with the burning of the house symbolizing how she's finally able to let go of her trauma. As Karen says, the house "isn't a cage, it's a trap". So when Michael disappears from that final shot of the basement engulfed in flames, it's as if Laurie's own personal bogeyman has lost all of his power because she's overcome her fear and trauma.

That's kind of the perfect ending for Laurie and this franchise as a whole. It works strikingly well, and any sequel is almost certainly going to take things far more literally. Michael will have actually somehow escaped from the burning house.

All of this to say, if the next Halloween film is deadset on existing, it has to find a way to deliver a similarly relevant ending to the franchise, which is an incredibly tall order.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.