Halloween: Ranking The Movies From Worst To Best

2. Halloween H20: 20 Years Later (1998, Steve Miner)

Halloween H201 Halloween H20 ignores everything that has come before it with the exception of parts 1 and 2, and sets the action 20 years after that infamous night where Michael Myers came home for the very first time. Despite her traumatic teenage years, Laurie has become a successful career woman and the Dean of a prestigious Californian private school. To celebrate the twentieth anniversary of becoming the world's coolest mass murderer, Michael treats himself to a trip to California to visit his sister and top up his tan (I'm joking of course) and thus a whole new killing spree begins with everyone Laurie holds dear finding themselves on the business end of Michael's famous butcher knife. H20 was a hip, modern spin on the classic Halloween story and was a huge success. It is usually a mistake to ignore previous entries, but with John Carpenter and Debra Hill back on board officially for the first time in almost two decades, Halloween H20 was the perfect reboot and finale to the incredibly popular series. Sadly, after this film Michael went straight back to his usual crap with the official follow up Resurrection, and we all know how that one turned out (badly).

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.