Halloween: Ranking The Movies From Worst To Best

1. Halloween (1978, John Carpenter)

Halloween Michael is a seemingly normal child living in the well to do suburbs who - for reasons unknown - picks up a huge knife, climbs the stairs in his house and murders his older sister. Years later, after spending his formative years in a psychiatric hospital, Michael returns to his home town to hunt down his baby sister who has been living with foster parents since that fateful night. With no obvious motive other than his desire to wipe out his bloodline, Michael begins to pick off the local teenagers until only he and his sister (Jamie Lee Curtis) are left. Will she survive or will Michael's reign of terror claim yet another member of his dysfunctional family? The original Halloween is without a doubt the absolute best. So much has been written about this genre defining horror over the years that it seems pointless saying much more. Directed by John Carpenter back in 1978, the first Halloween provided a perfect blueprint for all psycho-killer movies that followed. Sadly, many of its own sequels failed to follow the aforementioned print to any noticeable success, but in spite of all that nothing can ever be taken away from this fantastic classic - one of the greatest horror movies ever, no doubt about it. Which is your favourite Halloween movie? Tweet us @WhatCulture using the hash tag #Halloween or let us known in the comments section below.

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