Han Solo Movie: 5 Reasons To Be Excited (And 5 To Be Worried)

2. May 25, 2018

Solo A Star Wars Story

The May 25, 2018 release date raised some eyebrows when it was first announced, and that Lucasfilm are sticking to it only raises them further. Under Disney the month of December had been well established as 'Star Wars month', with The Force Awakens, Rogue One, and The Last Jedi all bringing home the big bucks. Disney and Lucasfilm, though, have seemed keen on returning to the May slot of old, and this is the first movie where they're going to realise that - and where it represents the biggest risk.

Ron Howard didn't start on the project until the end of June 2017, and finished principal photography in October. There are, however, rumours of a few weeks of reshoots taking place at the end of this month, and you'd imagine a fair amount of work to be done in post-production too, since it's a major blockbuster with (presumably) lots of VFX. While a turnaround in that time is possible, it is nonetheless much tighter than would be ideal, especially given just how much Howard shot, and causes worries of production being rushed.

For Lucasfilm and Disney, it's also got to be at least a little worrying from a box-office point-of-view too. With Infinity War coming early in the month, and then Deadpool 2 just a week beforehand, there's a crowded marketplace for the film (although it's lost its potential December spot now anyway).


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.