Harry Potter: 10 Evil Acts Committed By Gryffindors

3. Percy Weasley – Betrayed His Family

Harry Potter Sectum Sempra Malfoy
Warner Bros.

Percy Weasley had a fascinating character arc. But given he wasn’t a very prominent character, his story is often overlooked, particularly by those who have only seen the movie adaptations.

Interestingly, Percy was a model student and son for much of his adolescence. He passed all his exams with terrific grades, became Head Boy in his final year at Hogwarts, and quickly landed himself a job at the Ministry in the Department of International Magical Cooperation. Sadly, his life took a wrong turn following Voldemort’s resurrection.

Essentially, Percy put his career before his family. He refused to believe the Dark Lord was back and became a close ally of Cornelius Fudge – the Minister for Magic. And before leaving the Burrow, he actually shouted at his father and blamed him for the family's lack of wealth.

Percy even sent a letter to Ron urging him to end his friendship with Harry because he was 'violent' and 'unbalanced'. (Far from following his older brother’s advice, Ron ripped the letter apart and threw the pieces in the fire.)

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.