Harry Potter: 10 Terrible Acts Committed By Hogwarts Professors

6. Albus Dumbledore – Refused To Tell Harry About The Prophecy Until It Was Too Late

Umbridge Tea
Warner Bros.

Given he was meant to be the greatest wizard of all time, Dumbledore was remarkably thick at times.

For reasons that aren’t really explained, prophecies inside the Ministry of Magic can only be removed by those they are concerned with. As such, Voldemort plants a false vision in Harry’s head which forces him to go to the Hall of Prophecy. This leads to a lengthy chase sequence in which the Death Eaters attempt to take the prophecy from Harry and return it to their master.

Dumbledore knew about this prophecy for years, both in terms of what it contained and what it said. But due to his concern over Harry’s wellbeing, he decided to keep all information from him. Had Dumbledore bothered to tell Harry the importance of the prophecy, he would never have fallen for Voldemort’s trick and – most importantly – Sirius would not have been killed.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.