Harry Potter: 10 Ways The Muggle World Would Inevitably Discover Wizards

2. Identification

Since the dark day that was 9/11, the Muggle world has become increasingly paranoid. The subsequent War on Terrorism has resulted in the curbing of a lot of individual liberties in the name of increased security. Britain has more television security cameras than anywhere else in the world, which means you're on camera in any public space you go through. With the exception of his or her wand, what wizard carries any form of identification? How do wizards pass through Muggle checkpoints? And given their inattentiveness to dressing like Muggles when necessary, they would be subject to increased observation and perhaps questioning by Muggle policemen, who will inquire if the subject has ID on them. If the wizard pulls out a wand, it might be misconstrued as a deadly weapon, and the situation will escalate quickly into something even worse.
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Harry Potter
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Mr. Thomas is primarily a graphic artist for the San Antonio Express-News, but also finds time to write the DVD Extra blog for the paper’s website.