Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things Snape Ever Did

1. Told Voldemort About The Prophecy

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

It’s strange that the worst thing Snape ever did wasn’t even included in the movies. Somehow, the filmmakers managed to leave out this vital piece of the story.

During a job interview with Dumbledore at the Hog’s Head, Professor Trelawney falls into a trance and delivers the famous prophecy about Harry and Voldemort. Dumbledore is the only person who experiences the prophecy in its entirety, but a young Death Eater also overhears some of Trelawney’s words.

Snape, of course, is the Death Eater in question. He rushes to tell his new master and Voldemort sets his eyes on the Potter family. This alone is a terrible crime to commit, as Snape knew a child was going to be killed if he told his master the truth.

What’s more, when Snape realises the Potters are in danger, he asks Voldemort to spare Lily. Again, he demonstrates his total disregard for those Lily cares about – the death of Harry and James doesn’t matter as long as Lily remains safe.

When Snape comes to Dumbledore for help, the headmaster is quick to point out his selfishness:

“You do not care, then, about the deaths of her husband and child? They can die, as long as you have what you want?”

Before long, the inevitable happens and Snape mourns the death of Lily. Whilst it’s hard not to feel sorry for him, Snape’s villainy was the cause of his own misery.

Harry Potter: The Progressively Harder Hermione Granger Quiz

Hermione young
Warner Bros.

1. Where Does Hermione Meet Harry And Ron?

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.