Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things Snape Ever Did

2. Joined The Death Eaters

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

Voldemort is the most villainous wizard who ever lived. He has no desire for friendship or love, seeking only power and immortality. Almost everyone in the wizarding world is repulsed by the values he holds dear – but there are always exceptions.

The Dark Lord’s followers are known as the Death Eaters. This twisted group of individuals support their master’s vision, believing pure-blooded witches and wizards should be in positions of power and Muggle-borns should be removed from society.

Snape, bitter and downtrodden after his years at school, joins this dark sector of the magical world along with several of his schoolfellows, including Lucious Malfoy. Rowling never reveals exactly when he became a Death Eater, but he presumably made the decision shortly after leaving Hogwarts.

Whilst Snape redeems himself in later life, it’s hard to forgive anyone who willingly joins the Dark Lord.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.