Harry Potter: 10 Worst Things Snape Ever Did

8. Mocked Sirius For Staying At Grimmauld Place

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

Snape wasn’t popular when he was at school. James and Sirius were particularly nasty to him and he never got over the torment he suffered at their hands.

So, when Sirius is forced to hide away due to the ministry’s false belief that he’s a mass murderer, Snape is quick to criticise. This part of their relationship is glossed over in the film, but there’s plenty of snide remarks from Snape in the book.

This may seem like a minor offence, but Sirius hated being cooped up in his mother’s house, and Snape was fully aware of this fact. By goading his old school rival, Snape contributed to Sirius’s sense of frustration and made him keener to run off to the Ministry and help Harry.

Whilst it would be an exaggeration to blame Snape for Sirius’s death entirely, he certainly contributed to this tragic event.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.