Harry Potter: 12 Best Supporting Characters

2. Sirius Black

Dobby House Elf
Warner Bros.

Harry Potter's erstwhile godfather picked up a provisional namecheck in the opening chapter of Philosopher's Stone but didn't make his debut proper until Prisoner of Azkaban - upon which he emerged as something of an ensemble darkhorse, helped by the rug-pull reveal that he had been framed for a crime he didn't commit, A-Team style.

Unlike many other supporting players, Sirius didn't make it into the home straight of the franchise, suffering a shock demise two books later in Order of the Phoenix - but the character remained a firm fan favourite for his relationship with Harry as well as his portrayal as a complex individual arguably in the throes of Peter Pan syndrome following the loss of his best friend James Potter.

Some of his rougher edges are sanded off in the films - his Goblet of Fire arc is cut entirely, in one of the film's bigger missteps - yet Gary Oldman's mercurial turn still hints at those depths with a steel-eyed passion.


Something of a culture vulture, Mr Steel can historically be found in three places; the local cinema, the local stadium or the local chip shop. He is an avowed fan of franchise films, amateur cricket and power-chords.