Harry Potter: 12 Wands That Perfectly Reflect Their Owners

7. Professor Slughorn

Bellatrix Lestrange Wand
Warner Bros.

Horace Slughorn's wand is another which appears late in the series and suggests the desire the filmmakers had to push the boundaries in prop design. Slughorn himself is an idiosyncratic character: he's only the second Potions teacher seen in the series but startlingly different to Professor Snape. He also surrounds himself in luxuries despite being on the run, and likes to 'collect' young people that can develop his sphere of influence.

His wand is another with a very unique and unexpected look. The overall design is delicate and elaborate, reflecting its owner's pampered lifestyle and the Pureblood and Slytherin aspects of his background. There are, of course, rather obvious antennae-like protrusions designed to look like slug eye stalks.

The shaft of the wand is unusually slim and brittle, suggesting that it is rarely used in duelling or anything else demanding, and it is twisted into a rippling shape that again harks back to the slug or snail. Finally, the shaft is carefully decorated with silver markings that look rather sophisticated while also taking the shape of a snail trail.

It's hard to imagine Mr Ollivander took long matching this wand to its owner.

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Reader, cinema lover, gamer, TV watcher. Teacher too. Years of caring too much (is that possible?) about Star Wars, Harry Potter, Star Trek, WWE, Stephen King books, Game of Thrones and gaming will influence my writing.