Harry Potter: 5 Stupid Acts Committed By Ravenclaws

3. Gilderoy Lockhart – Lied His Way To The Top And Failed To Keep His Lack Of Talent A Secret

Gilderoy Lockhart
Warner Bros.

Due to his general lack of talent, Lockhart tracked down a series of heroic witches and wizards, questioned them about their achievements, then modified their memories and took all the credit for himself.

Lockhart’s books – which portrayed the author as a heroic wizard who had saved many lives throughout his travels – were financially successful and helped him obtain the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.

But beyond this, he wasn’t very good at hiding his secret. He was hopeless at controlling a group of pixies during one of Harry’s lessons and was equally useless at the Duelling Club. Indeed, Ron cottoned on to Lockhart’s lies at once and described him as a ‘brainless git’.

What’s more, Lockhart actually told Harry and Ron how he’d managed to lie his way to the top of the best-seller lists. If he’d wanted to keep his reputation intact, he should have kept this information private.

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Harry Potter
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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.