Harry Potter: Ranking Every Hogwarts Teacher From Worst To Best

11. Sybill Trelawney (Divination)

Dolores Umbridge Harry Potter
Warner Bros.

Professor Trelawney teaches Divination. She inhabits a classroom in the upper regions of the castle and is known as one of the worst teachers at the school.

She’s a hopeless case with little magical ability. Instead, she spends her time creating a mysterious atmosphere in an attempt to fool her students into thinking she’s a genuine seer (a person who can predict the future).

Some students buy into her nonsense – Lavender and Parvati are in awe of Professor Trelawney. But most people – including Harry, Ron, and Hermione – recognise she’s completely useless. Hermione even walks out of Divination because she can’t stand such a pathetic teacher.

Having said that, she does make the prophecy about Harry and Voldemort – so she is integral to the plot of the series. Still, there’s no denying her lack of talent or her annoying mannerisms.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.