Hellraiser Review: 6 Ups & 4 Downs

2. It Feels A Bit Sanitised

Hellraiser 2022

To be clear, the new Hellraiser certainly doesn't skimp on the brutal skin-flaying and revolting body horror the series is famous for, even if it makes you wait for it.

Yet another crucial aspect of Hellraiser lore has been toned down considerably - and that's sexuality.

Anyone who's seen the 1987 original knows that it's a profoundly horny film that compellingly explores the dichotomy of pain and pleasure through the realm of sex - a facet that's aggressively downplayed here.

Though there are two tame, PG-13-worthy sex scenes in this reboot, they're in no way integrated into the film's story in the same way that sex is such a core component of Clive Barker's original movie.

While director Bruckner has stated in interviews that this was a conscious artistic choice, it's ultimately a disappointing one that feels more like a reflection of the delicate current entertainment climate, rather than because it actually benefited the story in any sense.

A new Hellraiser would certainly need to tread carefully with its depiction of sexuality, yet to plane it away almost entirely feels like the least interesting - if not most cowardly - approach.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.