Hitman Film Reboot: 5 Mistakes To Avoid

4. Ignoring Past Video Game Films

hitman You want to know why film adaptations of video games suck? It's because people that make the films have never seen other video game films. Every one of these films, even when ambitious, ends up being just one big action extravaganza from a B list director. The films ignore reading between the lines and presenting dramatic stories that capitalize on the story potential of video games. The truth is that when people play video games, they can get whatever amount of action they want. Most people are not going to see the film version of their favorite video game because they want big explosions to be the centerpiece. Films have the ability to enhance the experience for gamers. They have the opportunity to take the paper thin stories of video games and turn them into something. Films can present more in depth character drama and expand a universe in ways a video game cannot. We don't just want to see the Hitman fighting, we want to see him struggling with his life, we want to understand him. We can already get action at home. What these films need to do is be films. Hitman has the potential to be a really great and really dark story. Don't waste it.

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