Home Alone 1 And 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

4. Home Alone Tells The Reverse Story Of It€™s A Wonderful Life

Despite being considered a heartwarming family classic, Home Alone can be brutally cynical and harsh at times; just look at the scenes with Kevin€™s family. It€™s little wonder he wishes out loud they€™d all just disappear, and is overwhelmed with joy when his wish seems to comes true. He eventually regrets that decision, deciding that a (horrible) family is better than no family at all. This idea is an intentional reversal of the other eternal Christmas classic It€™s A Wonderful Life, where a suicidal man decides his family would be better off if he never existed. An angel talks him out of his idea, just like Old Man Marley convinces Kevin he€™s better off with his family. Just to make sure the connection is explicit, It€™s A Wonderful is seen €“ dubbed in French - playing on TV during a scene.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.