Home Alone 1 And 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

13. Buzz's Girlfriend Is Played By A Boy

What kind of girl could love Buzz, Kevin€™s demonic older brother? Kevin finds out firsthand when he comes across a picture of her in Buzz€™s room. Kevin€™s visibly unimpressed, proclaiming €œWoof!€ at the picture; and to be fair, it€™s not a flattering pic. Director Chris Columbus felt it would be too cruel to actually cast an ugly girl for the photo, so instead he decided to cast a boy instead. The art director€™s son was chosen, and after applying a dodgy wig and a bit of make-up the correct level of woofness was achieved. Whether or not it was right to cast an ugly boy instead is a matter of opinion, but it showed a little bit of sensitivity on the director€™s part.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.