Home Alone 1 And 2: 20 Easter Eggs, References & In-Jokes

12. The Frenchman In Home Alone 2 Is A Little Creepy When Translated

Another comically contrived set of accidents separate Kevin from his family in Home Alone 2, where he somehow gets on a plane to New York instead of Miami. He ends up sitting next to a Frenchman on the plane, whose babbling makes Kevin put on his headphones and miss the announcement that he€™s on a flight to New York. French speakers will realise this passenger is kind of creepy; he starts by telling Kevin he€™s on his first trip to America and he asks if his parents know a good restaurant he could try. When Kevin doesn€™t answer he gets more intense, asking why he doesn€™t reply, getting defensive about not being able to speak English and angry that Kevin appears to be ignoring him. Bet Kevin€™s glad he missed his trip to France in the first movie after all.

Handsome. Charismatic. Intelligent. Noble. Witty. I'm none of these things, but I'm a half decent writer, I guess.