9 Ways Batman V Superman Has Doomed The DC Extended Universe

7. Far Too Rigid Foreshadowing

Warner Bros. Pictures
Warner Bros. Pictures

Marvel haven't been shy about their long-term plans - their slate of releases stretches to the end of the decade and Kevin Feige has stated they have the story mapped outup to 2028 -but aside from having earned enough goodwill to be able to think five-to-ten years ahead, they also have shown they can be malleable, adjusting to changes in story or audience reaction; look at the prominence of Guardians Of The Galaxy in Phase 3 or the major shift in release dates to allowthe introduction of Spider-Man. This is reflected in how they foreshadow future events, with subtle easter eggs and broad references teasing rather than promising.

DC have certainly gone a different route. The Justice League elements of Batman V Superman were kept focused toa handful of scenes, but they prescribed an awful lot of specific information about the genesis of heroes and the events they'll face; Lois Lane needs to be a pivot in the universe, Flash needs to be pushed to his limits totime travel, Wonder Woman's solo movie is so impactful she disappears for a century, Cyborg is formed by Mother Cubes and you get the picture. DC will have aplan of where everything's heading, but what's seeded here is incredibly explicit in its minute details that adjustment will be a struggle.

There is a workaround for all of these, of course - we have alternate universes and time travel already, so anything's possible - but that's needless time spent faffing clearing up messes that don't need to be thereat the very least.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.