How Disney Should Make Indiana Jones 5

7. Make Indy The Focus Of The Story

Indiana Jones 5

Sean Connery's Henry Jones Sr was a fan-favourite addition to the series when he tagged along for The Last Crusade, but Kingdom of the Crystal Skull was like one of those forced family gatherings that never seems to end.

Another important lesson to draw from the lukewarmly-received fourth outing is that the fans want an old-fashion adventure with Indy its core, so the Jones clan should be given supporting roles at most.

Nobody wants to see Shia Labeouf's Mutt Williams return - which is just as well since the actor is more into his abstract arty films and oddball music videos these days - and the idea of a husband-wife escapade with Karen Allen in tow sounds horrible.

Minimising Crystal Skull continuity is also important, given how unpopular the film is with the fanbase, so cameo appearances for the wife and son should be the limit.

Keep it simple - Indy, a historical MacGuffin, great villains and a story that maintains the sense of old-school adventure throughout.


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