How Freddy Krueger Became A Joke In 10 Easy Quotes

5. €œHow€™s this for a wet dream?€ €“ Part 4 (1988)

Now that Freddy is a commercially popular icon, it€™s time to really cash in on A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master. He€™s hip, he€™s cool, and he inspires pop songs! At this point, he€™s basically unstoppable. You may remember Joey from Nightmare 3. He used to be the horny teenager who couldn€™t talk, but now he€™s just a horny teenager. While Joey is lounging on his waterbed watching MTV (super rad!), Freddy strikes by seducing him once again with a topless woman, only this time, she€™s in the water mattress. Before this bizarre sexual fantasy of a naked woman trapped in a sack of water reaches it€™s full potential, Freddy strikes. He bursts out of the liquid mattress with blades a-blazing and asks €œHow€™s this for a wet dream?€ Presumably everything in the dream world is controlled by Freddy, which kind of makes his jokes feel a little contrived. He€™s the one who put the attractive woman in the mattress to begin with, and what purpose does she serve beyond simply adding to Freddy€™s illusion of cleverness. Why go through the trouble? Is his motivation to kill or to amuse, and if so, is he trying to amuse himself or his victim? Slowly, there is a picture forming of Freddy as the painful guy at the party who will do anything to make people laugh. That€™s not to say he€™s not funny, but that is to say he€™s not scary.

I have a keen, almost obsessive fascination with the macabre. It has lead me from a quiet life growing up in a small town to where I am now; creating horrific works about horrific things in many different mediums including films, short stories and essays. I live life by a simple motto: learn to like the dark, cause eventually, it'll come for all of us (lightening flashes and thunder claps)... but it ain't so bad.