Hugh Jackman: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

3. The Drover €“ Australia (2008)

How Baz Luhrmann keeps getting work is a mystery to all. Perhaps it's some sort of conspiracy perpetuated by the costume and production designers unions, all of whom find ample work when another of his florid but otherwise completely shallow and empty projects roll into town, and they threaten to go on strike whenever a studio demurs from instantly greenlighting one of his films. Despite making some of the most awful, tasteless films that totally white wash actual history since, well, the perceived €œGolden Age€ of Hollywood he so clearly yearns to return to, Luhrmann truly reached his nadir when he decided to make a film about his native Australia. Called Australia. Starring: Australians. Here Jackman stars as the nameless cattle drover who sweeps the married Lady Sarah Ashley (played by Nicole Kidman) off of her feet when she takes a visit to that barbaric Australian outback. The stunning lack of chemistry is superseded only by the tone-deaf script which deploys the Magical Negro trope without a hint of irony.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at