Indiana Jones 5: 10 Rumours You Need To Hear

7. Or It Could Be Chris Pratt

While Cooper may or may not be in the running, Disney could still be looking at Guardians for their new archeologist.
There have been a lot of strong rumours this year that Chris Pratt has a role should he want it, and he hasn€™t exactly gone out of his way to deny it. While admitting that playing Indy would be cool, he said: €œ"It€™s all nothing until it€™s something, and so far? It€™s not something. The pressure would come because it€™s such a great franchise, and you wouldn€™t want to get it wrong. €œIt would have to be perfect to do it, you know what I mean? So, we€™ll see. But like I said, it€™s nothing until it€™s something.€
That isn€™t a firm no then. It€™s not even a soft no, really. It does sound like he€™d be interested in the film, and it wouldn€™t be a surprise if it€™s a conversation that€™s already been had, at least informally. He€™s shown he has the ability to deliver on both action and comedy, and with Guardians and The Lego Movie was the biggest star of 2014, something set to continue this year with the lead in Jurassic World. There€™s a chance that he may not want to get tied up in yet another franchise, but everything so far suggests he€™s top of the list.

NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.