Infinity Saga: 10 New Leaked MCU Deleted Scenes You Need To Watch

Avengers: Infinity War would have been so much better with this Smart Hulk scene...

Hulkbuster Hulk
Marvel Studios

Last week, screenshots from a handful of never before seen Marvel Cinematic Universe deleted scenes found their way online. Those originated from the limited edition "Infinity Saga" box set and have never officially been released online. That doesn't stop leakers from sharing them, of course, and we now have ten must-see scenes (not just screenshots, the actual footage) for you!

From a different final fate for The Grandmaster in Thor: Ragnarok to the moment Bruce Banner originally transformed into Smart Hulk in Avengers: Infinity War, these are scenes fans have been dying to see for a while now.

As if that wasn't good enough, there are also costume (Paul Rudd certainly had a lot of fun the first time he properly suited up as Ant-Man) and VFX tests, with the latter showcasing much different takes on Thanos' Black Order.

It doesn't feel like a reach to say that some of these deleted scenes would have changed the MCU as we know it, while others are just fun! They all make for must-see viewing, though, so now's your chance to check them out before they're taken down and disappear for good...

10. The Grandmaster's Final Stand

More Jeff Goldblum is never a bad thing, right?

In an earlier version of Thor: Ragnarok, The Grandmaster would have been a little more proactive during Thor, Valkyrie, and Bruce Banner's attempted escape from Sakaar. As you can see in the video above, he was going to be shown chasing them down in his ship and vowing to melt them just as did his cousin during his introductory scene.

However, Bruce's expert piloting skills would have led to The Grandmaster crashing and burning, getting his comeuppance in the process.

It seems like this might have marked a more permanent end for the villain as it's hard to imagine him surviving that crash and then returning for Thor: Ragnarok's humorous post-credits scene. Ultimately, here may not have been room for this in the final cut or Marvel Studios might have simply wanted to leave the door open to tell future stories with Sakaar's tyrannical ruler.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.