Infinity Saga: 10 New Leaked MCU Deleted Scenes You Need To Watch

1. Hela Kills Odin

Sometimes, you'll watch a deleted scene and wonder how and why it could have ended up on the cutting room floor. That's certainly the case with this one as we see a completely different take on both Odin's death and Hela's arrival on Earth.

As Thor and Loki come across their father in New York City, it's revealed that he's been living as a homeless person on the streets of the Big Apple. He proceeds to pass his powers on to the God of Thunder (after shockingly also referring to the God of Mischief as his child) only to the be stabbed through the midsection by his daughter. This is infinitely better than that scene in Norway which made the final cut so why was it scrapped?

Well, it could be that Hela killing Odin was found to lessen the impact of her shattering Mjolnir just moments later. Marvel Studios might have also felt that the All-Father deserved a happier ending than being murdered in a dingy New York alleyway!


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.