Infinity Saga: 10 New Leaked MCU Deleted Scenes You Need To Watch

8. The Vision Battles Corvus Glaive

In the comics, Corvus Glaive serves as Thanos' right-hand man and is both fiercely intelligent and extremely deadly. The same couldn't really be said for his big screen counterpart as he failed to make much of an impact in Avengers: Infinity War after being injured by the Secret Avengers and later killed in short order by The Vision.

This VFX test footage imagines a considerably more frightening version of Glaive and sees him square off with that android in Doctor Strange's Sanctum Santorum. Unfortunately, this version also doesn't last particularly long because The Vision makes good use of his phasing powers to seemingly tear out the villain's heart!

The biggest takeaway here is the fact that this take on The Black Order member is considerably more frightening and in line with what we saw in the comic books. This battle in the Sanctum also lines up with reports that an earlier version of Avengers: Endgame would have seen Earth's Mightiest Heroes fight the villains there in the past.


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