Infinity Saga: 10 New Leaked MCU Deleted Scenes You Need To Watch

7. Ant-Man Costume Test

Costume tests are something we hear a lot about as fans but not footage we're usually privy to. Well, that's now changed thanks to the "Infinity Saga" box set as we get to see actor Paul Rudd clowning around as Ant-Man for presumably one of the first times ever.

He does everything from pulling off his best C-3PO and Taxi Driver impressions to posing like he's in a Sears catalogue. It's all a bit silly but undeniably amusing and footage Marvel Studios likely used to see how the costume looked on screen. Whether the plan was for any of this to make it into the 2015 release is another matter but it might have lessened the impact of Scott Lang discovering that the suit he'd stolen from Hank Pym had some extraordinary abilities.

As cool as deleted scenes are, it's even more interesting to get a look behind the scenes at the early stages a project like Ant-Man goes through.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.