Infinity Saga: 10 New Leaked MCU Deleted Scenes You Need To Watch

6. Bruce Banner Becomes Smart Hulk

In Avengers: Infinity War, Bruce Banner finds himself unable to transform into The Hulk after the Jade Giant was bested by Thanos. That led to the scientist having to don the Hulkbuster armour during the final battle in Wakanda and after his other, angrier half refused to come out and fight, he used his smarts to take out the monstrous Cull Obsidian.

There were originally much different plans for the movie, though, as we see Banner and Hulk bicker about them both wanting to live rather than being two separate beings. Bruce comes up with a plan and proceeds to "bust out" of the Hulkbuster armour as a new, Smart Hulk!

This is vastly different to the way that iteration of the Green Goliath was introduced in Avengers: Endgame and arguably a much better way to handle his arrival in the MCU. The highlight of this footage, however, is getting a behind the scenes look at both Mark Ruffalo's performance as The Hulk and the way motion-capture was used to choreograph this CGI-heavy battle.


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