Interstellar: 10 Titbits That Will Get You Even More Excited
7. Whats Anne Hathaway Hiding?
If you appear in one movie for Chris Nolan, theres a fair chance it wont be the last time. The director is well known for working with the same actors again and again Michael Caine (of course), Christian Bale, Tom Hardy and Cillian Murphy have all appeared in several Nolan films and Anne Hathaway is back under the directors wing after her stint as Catwoman in The Dark Knight Rises. Hathaway, who plays a scientist called Amelia Brand, definitely found the Interstellar shoot suitably hard work and has gone into detail describing the challenges involved in traversing an icy ledge while wearing a 40-pound spacesuit and fogged-up helmet, as well as trying to get to grips with the complex concepts of physics explored in the film. However, it would appear her character is also struggling with a secret that is eventually revealed aboard the interstellar ship Endurance. Although none of the characters seem to be enjoying themselves all that much in what weve seen of the film thus far, Hathaways Brand often looks particularly troubled, and a close-up scene shot by Nolan and witnessed by members of the press apparently involves a secret that will change the course of the story.
I watch movies and I watch sport. I also watch movies about sport, and if there were a sport about movies I'd watch that too. The internet was the closest thing I could find.