Interstellar: 20 Easter Eggs & References You Need To See


If you'd said at the start of Interstellar that two of the most enjoyable characters would be blocky robots who also act as the comic relief, you would probably have been laughed out of the cinema. But TARS and CASE, the robot assistants on Endurance are genius editions, impregnated with personality, despite their provocative inhuman appearance. Clearly, they also owe their designs to 2001's Saturn monolith, and it's no accident at the end that TARS is found orbiting Saturn after he emerges from the wormhole. There's also a cheeky reference to their blocky design with the Rubix cube that appears on Murph's bed-side table. TARS is voiced by Bill Irwin, while CASE owes his voice to The Dark Knight Rises' Josh Stewart.

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