Isle Of Dogs Review: 7 Ups & 2 Downs
7. The Absolutely Gorgeous Animation
As anyone who's seen The Fantastic Mr. Fox - or any prior Anderson movie, really - should expect, Isle of Dogs is an absolutely gorgeous film from start to finish, making expert use of the stop-motion medium to deliver one of the year's most arresting cinematic offerings to date.
There's an absurd level of attention-to-detail in practically every frame of the visuals: for instance, a few seconds before one dog removes a tick from another's fur, eagle-eyed viewers will notice the tick burrowing underneath the dog's fur. Touches like this are easily missed, but serve as cute rewards for those who catch them.
In a broader sense, you could hang pretty much any of the movie's shots on a wall or in a museum, and even in its lesser moments, it is in the very least an eye-wateringly beautiful work of art.