It Chapter 2: Every Character Ranked Worst To Best

2. Eddie Kaspbrak - James Ransone/Jack Dylan Grazer

It Chapter 2 Eddie
Warner Bros.

There's a very good chance that James Ransone will be the cast member to emerge out of Chapter 2 with the biggest boost in profile, because he's absolutely brilliant as the grown up Eddie Kaspbrak.

It definitely helps him that he's paired mostly with Bill Hader's Richie, but Ransone's brilliance comes in how well his stunted development is. He's still a child, acting out adulthood, still crippled by his mother's influence and his hypochondria, still dangerously susceptible to fear and still very, very immature. It all works together to build a wonderfully charming character who is great value for money.

He's also a really great extrapolation of the performance by Jack Dylan Grazer, who was so good in the first movie and who is great again here. It's just a shame that the deaging effects used to push him back the wrong way through puberty were so distractingly off for him for some reason.


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