James Bond: 10 Awesome Gadgets That Would Never Work In Real Life

2. The Invisible Car (Aston Martin V12 Vanquish)

rsz_invisicar Die Another Day (2002) was a pretty sloppy mess of a film that really abandoned the Bond franchise's more defining elements, for atypical action sequences and conventions. The Brosnan films are still notorious for taking everything just a bit too far, gadgets included. The invisible car wasn't exactly clever or awesome as a bond gadget in its ingenuity like a lot of gadgets, its more amusing in a science fiction kind of way. The Aston Martin V12 Vanquish as supplied in Bond's standard kit, comes equipped with ejector seat, target seeking shotguns and of course a camouflage function composed of several tiny cameras on a polymer surface that mimic and reflect surroundings in order to appear invisible. Even in the context of the film, we begin to actively realize this gadget doesn't really function in the realm of reality. They can't see the car, but surely they must hear the engine just nonchalantly powering through the ice fortress, right? As for the feasibility factor I've talked about with a lot of gadgets, the technology is not completely unbelievable but there is one giant flaw. Clearly, the idea of an invisible car is to you know, be discreet, or stealthy. Since when was a car the ideal manner in which not to be seen? The base principle of a car is to get from place to place in personal comfort, not espionage. It seems like a fun and cool concept, but this isn't Wonder Woman's invisible jet we're talking about, this is reality. While at first interesting, you begin to realize its an absurd idea even within the film, never mind with a realistic mindset.
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James Bond
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.