James Bond: 10 Awesome Gadgets That Would Never Work In Real Life

8. Shark Gun (Highly Pressurized CO2 Pistol)

Live and Let Die - Special Effects Superman

The Shark Gun is a piece of equipment issued to bond in his mission to stop Dr.Kananga. The gun was initially designed to combat sharks, as it fires highly compressed pellets of CO2 gas that will hopefully deter any underwater miscreants. Mr Big himself tries the gun in a rather comedic fashion €“ he fires it at a sofa, causing it to gradually swell and explodes due to the tension caused by the expanding CO2 gas. As Live and Let Die climaxes, Bond defeats Dr. Kananga by forcing him to swallow one of the compressed gas pellets. This forces his head to swell, causing him to rise out of the water and explode. Yep, his head explodes, like a balloon. Is it awesome? yep. Feasible? not in the slightest. The concept is an interesting one, but the suggestion it could be used to make someone explode or pop like a zit is mostly absurd.
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James Bond
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Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.