Jeff Goldblum: 5 Awesome Performances & 5 That Sucked

2. Ricky - Holy Man (1998)

Jeff Goldblum Holy Man
Buena Vista Pictures

When Eddie Murphy decries your film as a horrible one on two separate occasions (and he's in it), you know there's something wrong. Such was the case with Holy Man, a "comedy" from Murphy's grimmest phase of production in which he seemingly lost his entire comedic repertoire.

In the culture clash comedy, Murphy is an evangelist who ends up on shopping TV for some reason: it's too exhausting even to consider the real justification. Goldblum, for his sins plays the TV executive who gives him his chance despite the very, very real chance that he is not only a charlatan but also a dangerous madman to boot.

Goldblum is entirely wasted here, attempting to balance Murphy's "comedy" that never actually arrives and strapped in to a relationship with Kelly Preston, which is utterly bereft of chemistry or authenticity. It's really not fun to watch.


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